1:1 Pilates Session
If you are new to our studio and are looking for a helping hand to get started. Our 1:1 Pilates Consults will give you the tools you need to go into our classes confident. Book with either our Exercise Physiologist, Physiotherapist or Pilates instructors.
Initial Physiotherapy Consult
1 hour Physiotherapy Consult. Book this if this is your first Physiotherapy Consult with us. Claimable on Private Health
Follow up Physiotherapy Consult
30 minute Physiotherapy Consult. Book this if you have had an Initial Consult with us. Claimable on Private Health.
Extended Physiotherapy Consult
1 hour Physiotherapy Consult. Book this if you have a new problem OR want extended time with our Physiotherapist. Claimable on Private Health
Exercise Physiologist Consult
Our Exercise Physiologists will help you exercise in the safety of a professional, assist in developing a specific exercise program to help with an injury, prevent and manage chronic disease or assist you to achieve a personal health goal by creating a plan to help you to become the healthiest version of you. This is claimable on Private Health.